Muhammed Aneeq AliNov 137 min readTHE STUDY OF CYBER SECURITY: THE LEGAL PERSPECTIVE AND CYBER ETHICSTechnological advances in the 20th century have divided the telecommunications and computer technologies, and starts the era of information
Himanshu GuptaSep 229 min readBANKING FRAUDS DISRUPTING THE ECONOMYBanks are a type of financial institution that provides and governs a country's financial services.
Riya KrishnaJun 267 min readCORPORATE FRAUD & MISCONDUCT AND ITS REMEDIESFraud basically implies the use of deceit to dishonestly benefit oneself and/or cause harm to others. Corporate fraud is the term used to
Ritik AgrawalMay 177 min read"The Impact of Cyber Crime Amongst Students: Understanding the Risks and Prevention Strategies"In this era in the world of networks and computers likewise we can say in this network world where everyone and everything is based upon