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Writer's picture: Ritik AgrawalRitik Agrawal

Updated: Jan 16, 2024

Author: Ritik Agrawal,

IOL, Jiwaji University


In today’s life, people have the habit of consuming alcohol and smoking at tender age which turns into addiction after certain point of time. They consume or smoke citing the reason for removing stress, for happy moments and also for performing better in workplace.

Drugs influence the mind and its capacities like judgment, dynamic, memory and capacity to learn. It likewise influences conduct prompting harming and foolish practices. Individuals who routinely use drugs harm their family and social connections, accomplish ineffectively grinding away and take actual risks. Medication maltreatment by an individual can influence mental prosperity of relatives, particularly kids and make them more inclined to substance-misuse problems. The admission of medications like heroin through the IV course builds the rate of sickness like HIV, hepatitis B and C, along these lines troubling the medical care framework. Individuals who use drugs are bound to cause mishaps and submit suicides. They likewise deal with monetary issues and lawful issues.

Like all other countries, India is also developing country with having a diverse feature as well as adopting modern culture and celebrating western culture festivals like Christmas, and other February Festive days, and also Night out party, Disco, Bar Party, etc which pulls down our Indian culture vary widely and also affect human life as well by taking alcohol and drugs. With the change of the time they are using drugs as their daily need. According to the World Drug Report of 2021, 13.5 million people consume or inject drugs.[i]

Drugs have many positive as well as negative effects in human life. It can used for making medicines and other life-saving substances but it also destroys physical health and also causes Chronic diseases like AIDS, Heart Attack and Cancer etc., it makes people financially weak and they also have to suffer with many other problems.

The drug addicted people are troublemakers at home, school, college or working places. These addicted people spoil the environment wherever they move or reside. India is a vast country that have varied uses of drugs but this source is used in a negative way. There are billions of benefits of these drugs but the people are still unaware of the medications and impacts of medication misuse on habit. Some most common drugs are Cannabis, methamphetamine, heroin, opium and hashish are the most commonly utilized medications in India.

The issue in India is that the vast majority don't get treatment administrations, just one among four people has at any point gotten any treatment and just one of every 20 people will report getting in-patient treatment as indicated by a study directed in 2019.

“Drugs take you to Hell, disguised as Heaven”……….


Coordinated crime has consistently existed in India in some structure or another. It has, in any case, expanded its harmful structure in the current scenario because of a few financial and political factors and advancement in science and innovation. Despite the fact that rustic India isn't safe from it, it is basically a metropolitan wonder. It is the most genuine coordinated crime impacting any country and is cross border in nature. India is topographically sandwiched among Pakistan and China and is thus a travel junction for opiate drugs created towards the West.

India likewise creates a lot of licit opium, a piece of which additionally discovers a place in the illegal market in various structures. Illegal medication exchange India revolves around five significant substances, in particular, heroin, hashish, opium, cannabis and methaqualone.


Drug abuse has become a serious problem in India; it is related to heinous crimes like organized crimes.[ii]

Drug has adverse impact on India which may be classified in terms of Social, Economic and Mental impact. Excessive consumption of drugs makes lacks of communication and also behaving wrongly or weirdly in society[iii], making people very arrogance and irritated. In India neediness is a revile on the grounds that it makes different issues one of them is drug misuse. The monetary concerns lead individuals towards drug misuse as a result of mental pressing factor. Individuals are creating opiate medications to build pay, so the creation of opiate drugs is liable for the abuse of medications. There are mental causes which lead an individual towards drug misuse circumstances. Now and then clients are abusing drugs on account of low self-esteem. These days scholarly pressing factor is likewise making pressure due to this individual are abusing drugs.


There exists a nearby connection between drug misuse and wrongdoing. Utilization of medications influences an individual's cerebrum and conduct; the vast majority is typically affected by the medication while perpetrating wrongdoings. There are expanded odds of submitting abusive behaviour at home or self-destruction affected by drugs. Medication victimizers perpetuate violations to pay for their medications. For instance, heroin is an exorbitant medication and the increment in its utilization has brought about ascent of financial violations, for example, grabbing, burglary, and robbery. Medication dealing, its illicit creation and dissemination have likewise added to wrongdoing and brutality around the world. Medication maltreatment among youngsters and youths has brought about an increment in wrongdoing. An investigation by the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights on substance maltreatment by kids showed a year ago that 100% of the kids in struggle with the law were drug victimizers, while 95.5 percent of them remaining in kid care foundations were on drugs and 93 percent of road youngsters burned-through opiates. The examination likewise said 88% of the youngsters devoured medicates because of "peer pressure". The expanding utilization of drugs incited the public authority to independently handle the hazard of liquor addiction and medication misuse.


Article 47 of Indian Constitution[iv] prohibits misuse of drugs but still people are facing the same problem of drug abuse daily. India passed many laws to prohibit illicit use of drugs, and also developed preventive measures for using drugs in a positive way, and to ensure the availability of treatment for people having a drug disorder. The NDDTC, AIIMS and other centres have been involved in stopping negative use of drugs and also reducing drug demand, also treating people having a drug disorder. [v]

The UN Drug Conventions which help in securing drug abuse as well as treated people having a drug disorder, the conventions are: Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961; Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971; Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988; Transnational Crime Convention, 2000.[vi]

From all these major UN Nation conventions acts, the central government of India has enacted The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985[vii]; The Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1988[viii]. These acts cover three broad classes of substances like: narcotic drugs, that is, those covered under the Narcotics Drug 1961Show; Psychotropic substances which covered under 1971 Convention just as other Psychoactive substances, for example, look at which are not yet ordered under global shows; and controlled substances that are utilized to produce opiate drugs or psychotropic substances, for instance, forerunner synthetics like acidic anhydride, ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine.


Administration of India has taken an extraordinary drive to keep individuals from unlawful dealing across country organization of around 350 NGOs running in excess of 400 Integrated Rehabilitation and Treatment (IRCA) focuses , with the monetary help of the Ministry. Drug misuse is illicit in view of different reasons, so it ought to be forestalled. We have several required laws to forestall it yet we are dealing with the issue of medication misuse as a result of absence of execution and lacunae in existing laws. Laws and approaches should target lessening drug misuse cases and addictions in the nation by giving appropriate treatment benefits instead of exposing guilty parties to the criminal equity framework. Need ought to be given to the wellbeing and government assistance of individuals instead of giving rigid disciplines as the NDPS has demonstrated to be unproductive in the battle against drugs.

Thus, admittance to treatment administrations for individuals influenced by drug misuse issues ought to be given need. The quantity of treatment focuses in the nation is terribly insufficient. Government should plan to build the quantity of de-enslavement and restoration focuses at the public level dependent on the greatness of the issue and prioritization among states. Improving treatment communities and guaranteeing that they have every one of the essential segments like prepared HR, framework, meds and supplies and an arrangement of checking and coaching is significant. Presently just individuals captured in low-level medication offenses are remanded to treatment focuses and among them because of long times for testing, a great many people is set of against the period the individual has effectively spent in jail. Government intercession in the working of unapproved de-habit focuses is vital as there has been differs situations where patients were exposed to savagery, ruthlessness and a large group of other basic liberties infringement in such focuses. The public authority should investigate the treatment programs utilized and ensure that they have least quality norms, are deductively demonstrated to be compelling and doesn't disregard the basic liberties of patients. The public authority ought to likewise guarantee that the individuals who use drugs for clinical objects are not influenced while guaranteeing that they are not utilized illegally.

REFERENCES [i] United Nations, “21st Report on World Drug” (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2021) [ii] Article: CRIME IN INDIA: The seriousness of this problem can be traced to the information provided by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB): Updated on:1/10/2020: Page View Counter: 53829 [iii] Case Law: In Bachpan Bachao Andolan v. Union of India & Ors.Writ petition (c) no.51 of 2006, Supreme Court directed to the State to curb the child trafficking and drug abuse: [iv] Dr. J.N. PANDEY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF INDIA, (56TH ed.2019, Central Law Agency). Chapter18 DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY(ARTICLE36-51): ARTICLE 47 Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health. [v]Drug misuse in India: Where do we stand & where to go from here?: AJIT AWASTHI, ABHISHEK GHOSH: PMID: 31496520: Drug abuse in India: Current and future challenges: [vi]Challenging Dimension of the Problem of Drug Abuse in India: A Socio-Legal Analysis:Rudrakshi M Mendhe, Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar College of Law, Nagpur: October6 2020: [vii] The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, No. 61, Act of Parliament, 1985 (India) [viii] The Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1988, No. 46, Act of Parliament, 1988 (India)




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